Universitas Indonesia has published the GreenMetric ranking since 2010. This measures the commitment of universities to the creation and maintenance of a sustainable world economy. The top levels of the ranking are dominated by Western European and Southeast Asian universities, especially those in Malaysia, Indonesia, Ireland and the UK.
Data was submitted by universities between May and October. The overall score and rank are based on six groups of indicators:
- Setting and Infrastructure (15%)
- Energy and Climate Change (21%)
- Waste (18%)
- Water (10%)
- Transportation (18%)
- Education and Research (18%).
This year’s top five are:
- Wageningen University and Research Centre, Netherlands
- University of Oxford, UK
- University of Nottingham, UK
- Nottingham Trent University, UK
- University of California Davis, USA.
The top universities for each of the six indicators are:
Setting and Infrastructure; Western Michigan University, USA
Energy and Climate Change; Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany
Waste; Wageningen University and Research Centre
Water; Wageningen University and Research Centre
Transportation; University of Bologna, Italy
Education; Wageningen University and Research Centre.
- UI GreenMetric
- World University Rankings