Recent events have increased the importance of social media in tertiary education. The Australian based search engine UniRank (formerly ic4u) has produced several global rankings of universities based on their social media presence. The latest of these is the 2020 YouTube University Ranking.
The ranking is restricted to accredited four-year institutions offering face to face instruction. Universities are ranked according to the number of their subscribers.
Some traditional elite universities do well here with Harvard in first place, Stanford in third and Cambridge in tenth. There are also several institutions that are not so well known such as Synergy University in Moscow, Bihar Agricultural University, the Culinary Institute of America, and Daffodil International University of Bangladesh that have performed very well.
The top ten institutions are:
- Harvard University, USA
- Berklee College of Music, USA
- Stanford University, USA
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University, India
- Universidade Estácio de Sá, Brazil
- Synergy University, Russia
- Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia
- Bihar Agricultural University, India
- University of Cambridge, UK.
There are lists for other social media. Harvard is the top university for Facebook and Instagram and Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México for Twitter.